Already an expert?
Get certified without further training!
NEW ... Certification by examination!
Calling all Essential Oil Lovers! You can now select your certification path.
(1) Graduate from the EOP Course or ... (2) Select CBE / Certified By Examination.
Take your passion for essential oils to a professional level!
Certification By Examination - CBE Option
Now you can apply for your certification credential with no further coursework required. Simply complete our application outlining your experience, skills and training, then take the online exam. This is a far more affordable option to taking the entire certification course.
Do any of the following describe you?
- You’ve knowledgeably used essential oils for many years.
- You consider yourself far more knowledgeable than others when it comes to essential oil protocols.
- You have already been certified in a related / holistic profession and use essential oils as part of your work.
- You may be newer working with essential oils but you dug in, studied everything you could get your hands on and now consider yourself an expert.
- You're already a certified Aromatherapist/Herbalist/Healer/Holistic Practitioner/Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, etc., use essential oils regularly and feel your vast experience warrants another credential without further coursework.
- You sell / distribute essential oils or essential oil products and want an authoritative credential to validate your knowledge to recommend oils and their uses.
- You’re looking to add a professional essential oil certification to your list of accomplishments and awards.
If you answered YES to any of the above, you may be an ideal candidate to receive your certification by examination.
Essential Oil Academy is accredited by the distinguished American Association of Drugless Practitioners, which accredits 80+ institutes of professional and higher learning around the world.
Because we are now part of Anew University, eventually your certification credential hours will be recognized towards one of Anew U’s degree programs.
Your certification will be issued by Anew University. It will offer you the same credit hours as if you had taken our Essential Oil Practitioner certification course.
Because of the multi-faceted learning opportunity with the Essential Oil Practitioner course that cannot be adequately duplicated in an exam, your exam is a bit longer and more rigorous than the EOP exam. However, everything covered in your exam is available to students within the EOP course. So even though your path is different from a traditional EOP student, you’ll meet the same certification criteria.
What type of questions can you expect on the exam?
Your randomly selected and ordered, true-false exam questions are comprised from our database of hundreds of questions related to generally-known best practices or pertaining to essential oils, carrier oils, vegetal oils and butters, plant material and origins, industry knowledge, safety, essential oil protocols, that according to industry training standards, someone experienced with essential oils and their production, safety, packaging standards, sales and use, should know.
This is an open book exam containing 200 questions and is timed not to exceed 120 minutes / 2 hours. You need to achieve at least 80% for a passing score. As an open book exam, you are free to use your resources for reference. As someone seasoned in this industry, you know that we can’t possibly memorize every nuance. Rather we must know where to find the information we need. This is our philosophy with your certification exam as well.
Once you purchase the 1 Attempt exam package, you have 7 days to take it. If you purchase the 2 Attempt exam package (1 Attempt plus BONUS) then you'll have 14 days to take the exams.
We want you to be ready for the exam, so we even provide a 10-page topical study guide with additional exam-taking tips to help you pass, created exclusively for you, a Certification by Examination Candidate!
Safety Net
We do everything possible to help you pass your certification exam. As mentioned above, we even give you an affordable option to add a BONUS exam attempt to your account to ensure you pass or to take it a second time to raise your score. We also let you credit a majority of your exam fee toward the course, if you don't pass the exam.
Your exam fee authorizes you, depending on your selection, to take the certification exam one or two times … but what if you don’t know as much as you thought you did and don’t receive a passing score?
Great News! A majority of your exam fee may at your request, be applied / credited towards your Certified Essential Practitioner Course if you register in the EOP course within 30 days of receiving an exam score under the required 80% to pass. (See bottom of this page for details and package info.) So in the unlikely event that you don't pass when you take the exam, your money is not lost. Rather it may be applied towards the EOP certification course so you may study the entire course (including anything you missed) to successfully retake the exam and achieve your certification.
IMPORTANT: If you end up registering for the EOP certification course, you may study at your own pace and complete your certification when you are ready. No rush!
Certification as an Essential Oil Practitioner offers the following benefits:
- Validates your competence and expertise
- Assures your customers and the general public that your competency standards have been met
- Grants you institutional and peer recognition
- Supports career advancement and increased income opportunities
- Enhances confidence among your customers, colleagues, employers, and others
- Facilitates lifelong learning for your personal growth and professional expansion
- Instant certificate on passing and optional frame-ready, beautiful, signed certificate from Anew University
- Qualify to order your beautiful Certified Essential Oil Practitioner lapel pin
- One-year complimentary membership in our exclusive referral database!
- Certification logo for your website or advertising
Renewal of Your Certification
Regardless of whether you took our course for certification or selected the CBE / Certification by Examination option, you will need to renew your certification by evidence of qualifying, continuing education within two (2) years of your Essential Oil Practitioner certification date. The renewal fee is currently a nominal $149 USD to cover our administrative costs.
=> How to Apply for Certification by Examination <=
STEP 1 - Complete the Certification by Examination APPLICATION.
STEP 2 - Process your payment of $347 or $397 USD for your Certification by Examination.
This fee covers the exam costs, administrative fees, processing fees and all of the
certification benefits as stated on this page.
IMPORTANT: Do not close the page after payment as you will be redirected to the exam system.
STEP 3 - You'll receive immediate access to the full instructions and may begin your exam.
You have 7 or 14 days to take the exam, depending on the package you select. Once you begin your
exam, you can't stop and return later. Any questions left unanswered will be counted incorrect.
So have your resources available when you begin. No stress... just do your best!
And don't worry, you'll have time to download and review the Study Guide
before you take the exam.
No Payment, No Interest for 6 months when you select a Pay-In-Full Option
with our Easy-Pay Credit Plan! Just use Paypal Credit at Checkout!
2 Year Certification with
1 Exam Attempt
2 Year Certification with
1 Exam + BONUS Attempt
* If you do not pass the exam in 1 or 2 attempts, based on the CBE package purchased, you may apply $247 of the exam fee you paid towards the EOP Certification course.
** The BONUS exam attempt is only $50 additional, yet has a value of at least $347. If the BONUS exam attempt is not purchased initially, the certification candidate would need to re-purchase the Exam at $347 or prevailing fee, if higher. You may take the BONUS exam to either pass the certification OR to increase your score. The higher of your two scores will be recorded in your permanent records. If the BONUS exam is not attempted within 14 days, it is forfeited and not eligible for refund.
Join a new profession. Be among the first to become a Certified Essential Oil Practitioner.
You don't have to already be a professional to benefit. Become one now with this essential oil certification.