Author Archives: essential
Author Archives: essential
This post will explain actions you can take to reduce your fear and anxiety. We will start with where these emotions begin and how they can accelerate if not controlled by positive lifestyle changes and essential oils.
Read Entire ArticleHere is a comprehensive overview of COVID-19 and essential oils. We will talk about the science, FDA warnings, recommendations and more …
Read Entire ArticleRelieve stress and stress fallout with essential oils. In this article we learn about the best oils to use for stress management …
Read Entire ArticleOver recent years, we’ve seen a steep increase in popularity of CBD and hemp essential oils. Not surprisingly along with it came misinformation and confusion.
Read Entire ArticleWant to know the best essential oils for weight loss? They’re in this post. By supporting your entire weight loss journey with essential oils in a 100% natural and holistic way, you’ll feel much less stressed or anxious and remain completely in control, every step of the way.
Read Entire ArticleEssential oil perfume is a 100% natural, toxin-free and more affordable alternative to those expensive designer perfumes. That’s one of the many reasons why we love to create natural perfumes!
In our Certified Essential Oil Practitioner course we dive much deeper into blending methods for perfumery as well as therapeutic use. Today though, I’ll teach you how to select your essential oils for your signature perfumes and even give you recipes!
You can create your own unique signature fragrance that will soothe your body, mind and soul.
Read Entire ArticleEssential oils are a 100% natural, eco-friendly and generally safe way to detox safely, beat stress and anxiety and achieve a stronger and healthier body.
Recent studies suggest that essential oils can also help remove heavy metals from the body, fight back against pathogens and help support optimal health.
Here’s a rundown of the most effective essential oils you can use right now to support your detox, along with tips on how to use them.
Read Entire ArticleWhat’s the first thing you think about when you hear the word “Christmas”? Is it cold weather, gifts, the scents of winter, or spending time with family and friends? In this post I will share some of my fave do-it-yourself essential oil gift ideas. I hope they become your favorites as well. We all love the […]
Read Entire ArticleYou’d probably be surprised to learn how many people are looking for someone to help them with essential oils. You may know there are literally millions upon millions of essential oil consultants but they are not what discriminating clients want. The people who are serious about their health and wellness matters, want to talk with […]
Read Entire ArticleLess stress and better focus are goals for many of us with busy lives. Most of us deal with stress and overly full schedules on a daily basis. However, since chronic stress can damage physical, hormonal and emotional health, it’s crucial to find ways to feel calm in order to remain effective. Essential oils offer […]
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